

Common Questions Asked By Investors

Who Are We?

APX  is Success driven, we parade ourself as having some of the most qualified trading experts putting in all the neccessary effort to help you earn smoothly and without ease.


How Do We Earn

We built an AI trading system that truly works that is more efficient, profitable, smarter, and has recorded a higher wining rate that disrupts the Industry.

Available Payment Method

Cryptocurrency only. Bitcoin, being the most dominant cryptocurrency with no boundaries anywhere in the world. However, we accept Ethereum and Litecoin since they offer a stable and convenient Blockchain technology.

Why Trust Us?

Your investments are secure, we’ve taken out an insane amount of time in trail and error to perfect our AI trading bots and picking high profile trading personnel with confirmed track record of their trading journey.

What are the Referral Bonuses?

We want you to earn more.

You earn 10% referral bonus instantly from any invitation who successfully makes a deposit.

Available Payment Method

Withdrawals are seemless with little or zero hassle

Withdrawals of earning can be made on a daily basis provided the withdrawal amount is greater than or equal to the minimum withdrawal amount for your active investment plan. 

How Do I Get Crypto To Invest

Getting crypto has been made much easier with services like Coinbase, Paxful, Binance and more.

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